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  • mapbyblues

A lot of things...

So I actually just wanted to have something simple to share my thoughts with anyone who would be interested. I believe it is a very small community of potential readers but maybe one will read me and think, learn or just agree that I am a complete idiot :) See if I care. I am not here to judge anyone, I do not care about where are you from, what is your background or anything. I am curious so if you wish to share yours I am always open to listen. If you decide to stay here and read you will get an insight into my thoughts about the society we live in. About Counter Strike Zero. About anything that I might feel the joy of sharing my opinion about. For many people who have forgotten how to read more than the titles of the next 30-second video, it might be a challenge but maybe an experience to make you see things differently. At least to me, it is interesting to analyze ourself as well as the minds of others and share our thoughts so others can learn or reflect on their own thoughts compared to them.

I am not natively spoken in English.

I was in Denmark(1975) but I have been in Spain since 2005.

With all this new technology as well as the integration of AI into the whole process of getting an idea out to the public has been amazing. I do have some experience in software development and the use of different kinds of advanced or semi-advanced software and have been a regular PC user since 1990 :) at least. But the ease of it has a cost as well. The amount of registrations, verifications and agreements has certainly increased since the last time I wanted to create something as simple as a website. And at times I feel inspired to write something I have to go through several pages loading before I actually get to a place to write. EditPadPro is one click and never fails :)

AI is integrated with Grammarly so as I am writing here in real-time AI will correct my spelling and typos :) WTF that is cool but don't let it take over the content that is written. When I created this page I had a lovely conversation with an AI chatbot. And the AI chatbots are incredibly polite, always give you a fast answer, they don't care about how long time you speak with them(I probably took 2 hours to get all the details as it was funny for me to see what AI actually could do). Anyway when I finally was done with all the verifications etc..and launched the site(no content whatsoever), the AI automatically generated 10 blog posts about Counter-Strike and some of the thoughts I had shared with the chatbot but with fictive or other arguments than what I actually would present. Those topics was also generated to include popular topics that would generate more traffic which would equal in value in selling advertisement. Now my idea was not to create any kind of economic gain from sharing my thoughts about something that most likely very few people if anyone want to read. I think the articles were not bad(I deleted them after reading almost one) but very superficial pretending to be a deeper insight into the community of Counter-Strike.

As I said I think AI can be great in many places but do not let it make binary waste content for the purpose of selling products to the readers. I do not have any problem with anyone wanting to sell or promote a product but I would for sure decide for myself who I would allow to advertise to my readers. I am not in here for the money.

Evident if you have read this far you will probably be around 1 in a million as if content lasts for more than 30 seconds it will not hold the attention of the majority. I do not write for the majority as I would feel limited to a basic vocabulary and spending time explaining things that I don't care if you understand or not.

I think this will be my disclaimer

I hope you agree :)

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