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  • mapbyblues

If I Wanted it you'd be dead

Updated: Nov 18, 2023

I made a small GIF with our dear admin "If I wanted it you'd be dead".

It is not that complicated to make GIF animations with the software available today though some practice to make it perfect is needed.

Did you know you can view all the player models as well as part of the externally rendered graphics of Counterstrike?

See maps as you see them in the game have different kinds of graphics.

The actual playable area is called the world brushes, that be ground, walls, sky. All the static areas of the playable area are world brushes. Like in the real world, it would be everything that we cant move without destroying it.

Here is the spawn from de_lightsome. So is the tree part of what we call a world brush? No, it is what we call an entity and in this case, it is a model. It is different because it is made in a 3D program and does not have a HIT BOX. Everything we can interact with that will stop us from moving in a direction has a Hitbox. World Brushes always have a hitbox so we can't go through walls. Models do not usually have a hit box though often some approximation is made to stop us from going through it. The trunk of the tree has a hitbox. It does not cover the leaves of the tree as the more hitboxes around us the more computer power will be needed to calculate whether we hit or shoot something. We do not want to spend unnecessary resources on things we don't mind.

Player models have hit boxes. They are not exactly equivalent to the actual shape of the player model but are a simplified most often cubic way of aproximating the hittable area.

Pretty sure the hitbox of the tree trunk is not round but a simplified cubic shape covering the trunk as we do not really care about if the tree is round or not. Making the hitbox with additional sides to create a precise hitbox would only cost unnecessary resources.

The actual shootable area of a player model(other skins like "rabbits" will use the same hitbox though smaller models like "Puss In Bots" use a smaller version).

If we return to the spawn of de_lightsome and while viewing in-game in free control we can move the camera inside the world brushes and all models and entities will disappear.

Looking at spawn from "inside" a wall will only render world brushes.

This has an explanation. When we play a map we see our player and everything that is around us no matter what direction we look. The game is aware of your position on the map and sends the information to the server. On your local computer which holds the map data, the game will make sure that we only use resources in rendering what is actually around us. It would be an enormous waste to render the parts of the map we do not see. The game has known at all times the dimensions of the world map as they are static and do not change.

Changes are player positions and interactable models such as doors and breakable glass or crates. Information about such is sent back and forth to the server continuously to all players so we know when we should render it on your screen.

Maps are divided into binary partitions. That means that when you are in a certain place on the map only the visual area of your player position and the ones next to you will be rendered. We do not bother to render what is going on out of a player's visible area.

If something doesn't have a hitbox we can shoot through it. I guess you have been shot by a bot who shot through a model. Models do not always have a hitbox and often bots can see right through them though players can not :(

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