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Improve your game with video settings!

My friend sent me a screenshot of the game. Excited to open and see it, I noticed he played at 100 FPS.

FPS(Frames Per Second) defines how often what you see is being updated. The picture above would be one frame. Humans can only perceive between 30-60 FPS.

100 FPS is fine for playing CZ - this game has been the same for more than 20 years and back then, the hardware was nothing compared to now. If you could play with 30 FPS, you would be happy :)

Well, imagine having 1 FPS. This would feel laggy as the response time to what you see on the screen related to your hand movement would not be coherent.

You would feel latency. When you shoot, the bullets will miss, or the enemy will fire before you. (1 Frame per Second is slow and only used to clarify the consequences).

Summed up: more FPS = less latency.

So, more FPS is better as the latency between what we see and what we do will be more coherent, and even if we can't see a difference above 60 FPS, it will still decrease latency as we increase FPS.

*There will always be some delay, but as hardware gets better, it decreases.

Looking at the screenshot, I realized the resolution was 4k(3840x2160)

20 years ago, we would be happy with 640*400 or 800x600 and if you had a GPU then 1024x768(no widescreen).

With my decent setup, I can play smoothly in 2k(1920*1080), so playing in 4k means, you have something like this.

So why not take full use of the beast?

Of course, setting the resolution to the maximum your GPU can handle is the first thing to do.

Make sure you have unchecked the Wait for vertical sync and Windowed mode

*When scaled up, texture filtering will blur the textures so they don't look pixelated.

**Using shaders enables Fullbright and is mainly for a bit better lighting.

Next this is to find your maximum stable FPS.

Start up your game and load up a map.

Open the console with the key above TAB and write

cl_showfps 1

This will enable your FPS count in the top corner.

If you see this number constant at 100 FPS when you play, you could increase it.

First, we need to override the maximum default of 100

fps_override 1

We need to define a limit to have a stable FPS.

If we set the limit at 1000, we might reach the number before, but it will not be stable.

fps_max 1000

An easy way to find a stable FPS is to open a map and see what our FPS is when we move around.

It will change depending on the complexity of what we see, but you will get an idea of the highest and the lowest number.

If your highest FPS is below 100, your GPU is most likely running at its maximum capacity, and you should set a limit below 100 ex.

fps_max 60

If worse than this, you should save up for some new equipment to increase FPS:

The idea is that we find a limit within the limitations of what our GPU can handle.

If your lowest FPS is 100+ at all times, you can increase the limit to the lowest value you see.

ex fps_max 200

The difference becomes minimal when we get up in the hundreds, but 200 is an excellent number to lock.

That way, you will always have a stable FPS no matter which map you play, and the latency will be constant.


  • cl_showfps 1/0

  • fps_override 1

  • fps_max n(60-200)

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