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  • mapbyblues

Playing style

I think there is no right or wrong when it comes to playing style. Sometimes you might be able to justify one style vs another but in other situations, this won't hold up.

I define 3 basic playing styles: Rush, Mid and Late. All of these can be combined both as a separate or as a whole team divided. They can all support each other alone as well as combined.

The objective of defuse maps is for Terror to plant the bomb(C4). Counter-terrorists have to defuse.

Playing as a terrorist you should support the player that holds the bomb. Be in front and make a clear path or be behind to give backup and protect from behind.

Behind can be closer or further but never lose contact with the bomb!

Look the Radar up in the corner. As terrorists, you have a red dot showing which direction you have to go to find the bomb. The white dots are your team. Learn to use the radar.

The radar has less use on Counter-terrorists(CT) but it will show where is your team. Together with the bot chatter as well as screen text, you can get an idea about what is going on around the map. If you know certain players tend to camp certain spots and you look at the radar and you read ****** has killed *** there is a good chance he/she is busy killing your team. Where are you? What are you going to do? Visualize the situation as you have seen it before and imagine the best way to take down the enemy. This be done in a split second as you do not have much time to make a decision. It might work it might not but at least you have tried and next time maybe the previous attempt didn't work but the enemy will have to be extra careful from that side.

Do not think that it doesn't matter. Unconsciously our brain will keep an extra eye on that door or corner that you came from last time so next time just try to spread some confussion. Smokes or flashes are great for that.

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