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Take your daily Blue-s-pill

Your mind is only part of your body.

If you want to feel good about yourself, it is equally important that your body feels good. 

For that, you need to eat. I am a chef with many years of experience in healthy food, and I also know that many of us need more time to cook and eat healthy as often as we wish but opt for fast and easy. 

Nothing wrong with that, though. Here is what happens to your body when you don't eat healthily.

Humans need to eat with no exception, and we have been doing this throughout the whole history of homo sapiens. 

I give you a short reference if you need to refresh your facts about our history.



  • Homo sapiens, the first modern humans, evolved from their early hominid predecessors between 200,000 and 300,000 years ago. They developed a capacity for language about 50,000 years ago.

  • The first modern humans began moving outside Africa about 70,000-100,000 years ago.

  • Humans are the only known species to have successfully populated, adapted to, and significantly altered land regions worldwide, resulting in profound historical and environmental impacts.

So, for roughly 300.000 years, humans have managed to survive and feed themselves with whatever their generation offered to eat.

Before that, at least nine other similar species went extinct for one reason or another. 

Remember, the earth is 4 billion years old, so when humans arrived, there was already some climate with trees and animals.

With those facts, we can agree that in the 300.000 years humans have survived, our bodies must have adapted to whatever food was available during their generation.

Understand that the food they ate from 300.000 to 200.000 years ago did not evolve much, though I am sure it thrived.

It did not evolve much when I compare it to how food has become since 0 BC—the last 2023 years.

For many generations, the food was forged and prepared with simple cooking methods, and even when people got sick from malnutrition, we discovered what part of the different food groups was essential to our health. 

In our present time, we have extended that knowledge, and to a certain degree, science agrees with what our bodies need.

Calories for our energy, proteins to build and maintain muscles, fibres, and many different vitamins and minerals are essential to our digestive system.

We need liquid, too, but this subject is easy to define as only water is healthy.

Some properties of plants can be healthy, and yes, if we need them, but they will never make them more beneficial than pure water.

With food, it is different. A healthy diet is a balance between all the things we need. I will not speak about that, but you can easily find the information on the net on how much our bodies need.

First, our bodies adapt to what we eat, as I explained through history. But the adaption through history has been very long compared to the changes we see today. Even within my generation, the food has gone from being much more locally sourced and prepared at home to being outsourced by enormous industries.

When you industrialize a food product, quality is permanently lost. Those who say different is not are lying. There will always be a loss of nutritional value(vitamins, minerals, fibres, etc.), and often flavour and presence of contamination. Usually, those losses are compensated chemically by adding artificial flavours, colours, conservators, salts, vitamins, binders, etc. The food industry approves all those products as additives, but they are most often carcinogenic in higher doses. 

Besides, agriculture can use pesticides and other chemical products to enhance their benefits, leaving toxins in all leftover products. Toxins are most often carcinogens and often bind to other essential minerals when in contact, which prohibits your body from benefiting from them. Consequently, you will lack a mineral or vitamin; even if you take an extra dose of this vitamin, it will still become worthless as the toxins bind them, and your body will not absorb them.

So, all the toxins we get in our body create an imbalance in our body. It might not be an obvious disbalance as our bodies will get used to tolerating the disbalance, but the consequence might take several generations before you know the effect. Understand that we have adapted to whatever food group but for a long time. The changes we are experiencing now are very extreme to our bodies. We will see people get sicker nowadays because we open up our immune system when it is not well-fed.  

It's not a problem; the medicinal industry has a cure for whatever health problem you might have. It is a little pill that might cost $200 billion to develop, but humanity will require it soon. Remember that there is little distance between the medicinal and food industries. A pleasant cooperation that will take care of keeping society healthy :) Hahaha, It is the most screwed-up conspiracy that no one dares to talk about, as it is more or less 99.9999999% of all the money in the world. 

At least we sometimes have options to eat healthier and avoid paying for expensive JET gasoline someone is filling in their jet. Ecological agriculture is far less affected by the negative consequences.

So, with this said, as I know we are all too busy to cook, but at least take your fish oil, vitamins and all the minerals you can find :) Because you will not get them from pizza.

Besides, most of those additives you see in food are similar to the chemistry you already know. Do you know how gasoline smells or the taste of medicine? Do not think the additives(except artificial flavours in small amounts) taste good. And why they don't taste good? Well, they might be organic, but they derive from petroleum. They come from mineral oil. And that is where most medicine comes from. We make it from petroleum.

So whether you eat food or medicine, you still eat something not meant for human consumption.

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